
Sarah Swanson, University of Delaware ’15, had a Politcal Science/Spanish double major, with a concentration in Global Studies.

The Washington Scholarship Fund is proud to offer scholarships to eligible students who have been residents of Washington, Washington Depot, Marbledale and New Preston, Connecticut for at least two years.

In February of each year, the guidance office of Shepaug Valley High School will mail applications to Shepaug seniors and those in college. Or you can download the application here. If you are not a student at Shepaug, but eligible for a scholarship, please contact Kerry Schur, Counseling Secretary at Shepaug Valley High School, 860-868-6218.

For more detailed information, please download Important Procedures and Deadlines. If you have any questions about the application process, please call or email Kerry Schur.

Contact info: 860-868-6218 or email

Summary of WSF Scholarship Application Process

For more detailed information, please download Important Procedures and Deadlines.

  1. Complete 2024 tax forms ASAP.
  2. Submit FAFSA – as soon as possible, but at least two weeks prior to the application deadline of April 4, 2025. Earlier is better! This is free.
    After filing the FAFSA, you will receive (within a few business days if you filed online or within 3-4 weeks if you filed by mail) your SAR (Student Aid Report). This will contain your EFC (Expected Family Contribution).
  3. April 4, 2025 – Submit Application DEADLINE
    This include copies of:
    1. Two-page WSF Application
    2. SAR
    3. Your most recent Financial Aid Package Award Letter from your school.

Please adhere to all deadlines. We must have all information by this deadline in order to make the awards to Washington resident graduating seniors of SVHS on Scholarship Night.

Unfortunately, failure to meet these deadlines will disqualify the applicant.


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